Human Body is Cellular & Electrical

Human Body vs Combustion Engine

The human body is made up of over 100 trillion cells that produce energy continuously; brain cells, heart cells, blood cells, bone cells, fat cells, muscle cells and skin cells. But just like anything else that produces energy, the cells need the correct fuel and a clean system to operate properly.

The only way to keep a system working efficiently is to clean or replace its filters. Your body is just like an automobile; it has filters that must be kept clean also!

Where are the body’s filters?

How do we keep them clean?

To answer these questions, we must look at the journey the fuel takes traveling through the system.

In the automobile, the fuel enters the carburetor and mixes with the air, to create the proper air/fuel mixture. If the air filter or fuel filter are dirty, the mixture may become lean or rich and cause a lack of energy.

When humans breathe air and consume fuel it enters through the mouth and travels down into our lungs and stomach. The alveoli, on the walls of the lung, absorb oxygen and allow the blood to deliver the oxygen to the cells.

After we chew the cellular fuel, the stomach turns the fuel into a liquid and then it enters the duodenum; the first third of the small intestine, where it is then absorbed by the villi covered walls. In most people, this is where their problem occurs!

The stress in our lives and the saturated fat in our diets, energetically impair the villi. This prevents the important nutrients that must be delivered to the cells from being absorbed and filtered through the villi wall, so therefore the circulatory system is not able to properly supply the nutrients to our cells.

The saturated fat is the dirt that clogs our villi, the filter surface. This is why it is so important to consume a balanced diet and improve our cellular fuel.

Do you know how to balance your diet? If you ask ten different people this question, you will get ten different answers.

How can we balance our daily diet?

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