Lose Weight Dallas / Fort Worth


Times are tough and most people need that extra cash to pay the monthly bills. I was fortunate when I overheard members at my local gym, talking about losing weight with herbs. This chance meeting changed the course of my life!

Over the years I have tried most all of the Herbalife products but I am really excited about a particular few. LiftOff Energy Drink fizz tablets are a great way to get your important B and C vitamins daily. Cell-U-Loss is one of my favorites, it helps in reducing excess water weight. The antioxidant product, Schizandra Plus controls free radicals which helps maintain youthfulness. The core product, Formula 1 allows me to lose those last few pounds and keep them off! Build muscles with our Muscle Strength and Recovery protein drink.

The exciting weight loss and income success stories  are what  convinced me to take a serious look at the company and the idea of building a part-time business in my spare-time!

I started sharing the products with relatives, business associates and  other close friends. I then expanded to customers outside of my family circle and created a Web site on the Internet.

If you would like to improve your financial situation, get started on these fantastic products and become an associate of this unique body building business!

Addiction | Pills | Health | Diet | Fitness | Stress

Indianapolis 500 Team Herbalife Sponsored

She went from a dress size 18 to a size 12

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Doctor has 1300 patients on Herbalife

Texas Real Estate Broker Lost 110 lbs

USA Opportunity Presentation Book

Proud Sponsor of LA Galaxy Soccer

Business Growing in 70 Countries

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