Cinderella Builds An Empire


President Team Member Lisa Coppenolle has her eye on eCommerce. The vivacious 40 plus year old entrepreneurial whirlwind has built her multi-million dollar organization through direct sales marketing and has something to say Corporate America: "Wake up!"

Lisa knows what she is talking about. She did it the hard way, and is now showing people from all walks of life that they can do it too!

Coppenolle comes from working class roots. The daughter of a Ford Motor Co. employee and a fitness instructor she began her first business at the age of 13. Answering an ad in the back of Cosmopolitan magazine she bought a kit and began selling greeting cards door to door. Lisa never attended college, but her success attracts everyone from working Moms to CEO's of major corporations.

Coppenolle has researched and had experiences with many types of entrepreneurial businesses prior to her unbelievable success, including a boutique in Dallas Texas where she designed gowns for the "Rich and Famous." During the recession of the 1980s Lisa noticed the only women still able to afford her expensive gowns ($4000-$8000) were those involved in Herbalife.

In 1990 Lisa began her Herbalife business. In her first year she made more than $100,000 in profit and was No. 1 in personal sales and recruitment in the world. Today Lisa has an international business with associates all over the world.

How does she do it? Coppenolle has the drive to succeed that spills over onto others much like laughter, and those working with her are laughing - all the way to the bank!

Her philosophy: "This is no race, this is the pace; there is no finish line." Her "I can do it" attitude coupled with her high energy has made her one of the nation's leading motivational speakers on topics ranging from healthy living to how to maximize the benefits of working from home.

She has dubbed herself "The working mother's best friend." Lisa believes the idea of driving to work, paying daycare and leaving your baby with others is passe in the new millennium.

Anyone with a willingness to succeed can do this business!



*NOTE: The Independent Business Person highlighted above started their business by purchasing a International Business Pack. The resulting Success Story is an example of what CAN be accomplished as a result of exceptional talent, hard work and ability. This does not imply that everyone will have the same results. Your success will depend on your own talent, hard work and ability. Independent Business Persons are solely responsible for their own marketing tools and techniques rendered outside of this service.


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