What are the Signs of Malnutrition? Oil Change for Our Body | Breathing, Exercising & Stretching The most obvious sign of malnutrition is when a person is underweight, but surprisingly obesity can also be a sign of malnutrition on the cellular level. If the skin cells are not nourished properly, a person may experience signs of aging, acne, slow healing or other skin conditions. If the brain cells are not nourished properly, a person may become mentally slow or show other signs of mental illness. When the body's system is clogged with saturated fat, creating energetically impaired villi, the cells of the body do not receive the nourishment needed to function properly. This condition within the body creates malnutrition on the cellular level. Weight, skin and mental problems are some of the most obvious signs of malnutrition. Does your body need an oil change? The human body's lymphatic system is similar to the oiling system in an automobile. Our diaphragm is the oil pump, the lymph nodes are the oil filters and the lymph fluid is the oil. The pump circulates the fluid thought the system and the filters keep the fluid clean. Our diaphragm rocks the liver and pumps the lymph fluid whenever we breathe or exercise, just like the oil pump circulates the oil. The more we breathe and exercise, the more the lymph fluid can circulate and the more efficiently the body can filter and remove waste from our system. As we breathe and exercise our lymphatic system is changing the oil in our body! You know how important it is to change the oil in your car, right? If you don't keep a system's fluid clean, the system will back up and that leads to other problems down the road! Breathing, Exercising & Stretching! Keep your system clean by always remembering to take long deep breaths as often as possible. Do as much physical exercise as you can, even if it is just walking around the block everyday. Everyday is the keyword; it is the little things that we do everyday that control our lives and health. Remember to stretch your muscles first thing in the morning and before any exercising. Last but not least, drink plenty of water in the morning and throughout the day! Is there a MAGIC PILL to Lose Weight? Health | Diet | Fitness | Pills | Addiction | Stress Real Estate Broker Jon Beer Loses 110 lbs Mark Hughes at French Herbalife Opening |