The  Dangerous  Brown  Recluse  Spider


Please be very careful, spider bites are dangerous and can have permanent and highly negative consequences.

The Brown Recluse Spider is the most dangerous spider that we have here in the USA.

A person can die from it's bite. We all should know what the spider looks like.

They like the darkness and tend to live in storage sheds or attics or other areas that might not be frequented by people or light.

If you have a need to be in your attic, go up there and turn on a light and leave it on for about 30 minutes before you go in to do your work.


Helpful Brown Recluse Spider Web Sites

University of Kentucky Entomology

Brown Recluse Spider - Wikipedia

UC Riverside Dept. of Entomology

Ohio State University Fact Sheet

Identifying Spiders of Kentucky

Virginia Cooperative Extension

Brown Recluse Spiders control

Florida Depart of Agriculture

Brown Recluse First Aid Kit

University of Arkansas Info


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revised: March 29, 2007